How to Stay Positive During Your Job Search

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Staying positive during a job search can be challenging, but maintaining the right mindset is crucial. Here are some recruitment tips to help you stay motivated and positive ...

Set realistic and achievable goals

Break down your job search into manageable tasks, such as applying for a certain number of jobs each day, updating your resume, or networking with a set number of people weekly. Achieving these smaller goals will help give you a sense of accomplishment.

Stick to a routine

Treat your job search like a job. Set yourself a daily schedule that includes time for applying to jobs, networking, and most importantly, taking care of yourself. Having routine and structure can help you stay focused and motivated.

Celebrate small wins

It’s extremely important to not only recognise, but to celebrate all the small wins, such as getting an interview, receiving positive feedback, or even learning something new from a rejection. All of these small wins can help maintain some momentum and keep your spirits high.

Stay connected

Job searching can be isolating, so it’s important to stay connected with friends, family, and professional networks. Sharing your experiences and hearing others’ perspectives can provide encouragement and new ideas.

Keep learning

Use any downtime to improve your skills or learn something new. Online courses, certifications, or even volunteering can boost your resume and keep your mind engaged.

Focus on what you can control

Job searches come with uncertainty, but focus on the aspects you can control, like the quality of your applications, your interview preparation, and how you present yourself. Let go of the things you can’t control.

Practice self-care

We all know just how stressful job searching can be, so it’s important that you take care of yourself during this time. Exercise, eat well, get enough sleep and engage in activities that you enjoy, that can help you relax and take your mind off the job search. A healthy mind and body will help you to stay and feel positive.

Seek feedback

If you’re not getting the responses you had hoped for, you should seek constructive feedback on your resume, cover letters, or your interview technique. Sometimes a small tweak or a simple piece of advice can make a big difference.

Maintaining a positive attitude during a job search is about resilience and perspective. By implementing these strategies, you'll not only stay motivated but also improve your chances of success.

Advice from our consultants:

Emily Power – Associate Consultant, Business Support - Architecture & Design

“Considering temporary roles whilst searching – this can help grow your network and could potentially turn into a perm role.

Being intentional about the roles you're applying for – don’t apply to everything you see.

Partnering with a recruitment consultant – we can provide market insights and access to roles that may not be advertised publicly.”

Matthew Lewis – Associate Consultant, Construction - Contract Recruitment

“Speaking from my own personal experience, I found changing up my job searching approach helped me to stay positive. Instead of quickly applying for jobs, take the time to understand the industry, find out as much information as possible before applying to multiple roles. Changing your approach and learning from setbacks is a great way to help keep a positive mindset throughout your search.”

If you are embarking on your job searching journey, reach out to our team for advice!