How to Create a Killer LinkedIn Profile

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​Creating an effective LinkedIn profile is a great way to expand your professional network, get noticed by prospective employers and make a strong first impression. Learn our top tips on how to create an engaging LinkedIn profile that makes people want to find out more.

1. Choose an appropriate photo

A picture tells a thousand words, so make sure your profile picture sends the right message. Avoid cropping a photo from your friend’s wedding. Instead, take a professional photo specifically for your LinkedIn profile.

2. Include a headline and a great summary

As with a CV, people will make a quick assessment of your profile. Stand out from the crowd by creating a personal headline (which appears directly under your name), and a meaningful summary section. Engage and intrigue people so they keep reading.

3. Include your industry alongside your current position

If you are open to work, it's important to list your current industry alongside your position - especially if you intend to stay within that industry when you make your career move. From a recruiter's point of view, it's easier to find candidates who have their industry listed when searching for suitable candidates for a role!

4. Explain your experience

Avoid simply listing the company and job title – this doesn’t do your experience justice. Instead, provide a one sentence description of what the company does, plus an overview of your key responsibilities in the role. Where appropriate, include details of significant projects you’ve worked on.


5. Get recommended

LinkedIn recommendations are a great way to validate your experience, increase credibility and boost your Google ranking. Ask relevant, professional connections to recommend you to strengthen your profile. This is one of our top LinkedIn profile tips.

6. Connect with the right people

Connections aren’t only useful for networking as they can also strengthen your profile. The more you have, the more likely you’ll have connections in common with a potential employer, adding to your credibility. After you’ve created your LinkedIn profile, identify and pursue connections that will add to your reputation, and avoid connecting with people who aren’t relevant to your industry and role.

​7. Be active

Once you have your connections, be sure to engage with them. Like their content, share it and add your own commentary. Not only will this bring people to your profile, it’ll allow you to further strengthen your brand and establish your thought leadership by writing and sharing original, relevant content.

​8. Make sure your profile aligns with your CV

Be sure the professional experience (job titles, dates of employment etc.) listed on LinkedIn aligns with the information you’ve used to create your CV. Any misalignment may create confusion or scepticism about your employment history.

9. Be true to your real brand

Your LinkedIn profile should amplify your brand, not define it. Make sure you’re authentic to yourself in the language you use and the message you convey, to give the reader an insight into who you genuinely are.

​10. Ensure your details are complete and up to date

Take the time to ensure your LinkedIn profile is complete (LinkedIn are great at prompting you on this). Once it’s complete, check in on it every month or so to make sure all the information is accurate and up to date.


A note on other social media platforms

While LinkedIn remains the most prominent social media platform for professional networking, your profile on other sites such as Facebook, Instagram and TikTok, will also influence your digital footprint. You may use these sites to for personal (rather than professional) reasons, so make sure your profile compliments the digital professional brand you’re presenting. If you have any concerns, maybe consider your privacy settings.